What products can I use on my hair extensions?
Do not use shampoo and conditioner that contain any Protein, Sulphate, Keratin or have a high alcohol content.
See our recommended list of hair care products (follow instructions.)
SHAMPOO - Joico Moisture recovery, Moroccan oil Hydrate Shampoo
CONDITIONER - Joico Moisture recovery, Moroccan oil hydrate conditier
MASK - Moroccan Oil intense hydration and intense hydration light
HEAT PROTECTION - Keune Lumi coat spray or cream.
How do I maintain my hair extensions after installation?
After extension application wear the extensions in a low pony tail and low hairstyles only for the following week. Ponytails to tight or high will cause pulling bad damage the hair folic at the scalp.
Concentrate shampoo on own scalp rather than on the extensions. Concentrate conditioner and Mask on the extensions, mid-lengths to ends.
Brush hair daily with Recommended Boar Bristle hair extension brush.
Apply Heat Protect and Condition Spray prior to using heat styling tools.
Dry hair gently with hair dryer on low-medium heat overuse of styling tools to hot will alter the colour and dry out the extensions.
Always tie in low pony when sleeping, a loose plait is best.
Do not sleep with wet hair.
Can I go swimming with hair extensions?
Yes, you can swim with VOUR Hair extensions. When swimming, wear hair in loose plait, never a top knot, Chlorine will effectively damage the hair extensions. Rinse and wash hair straight after swimming in chlorine or salt water.
Can I colour or bleach hair extensions?
Do not bleach hair extensions, use only a semi permanent colour to go darker or tone to a similar shade one application recommended only. Please note that we cannot guarantee the end result of colouring hair extensions and cannot offer a refund after the hair extensions have been coloured.
When should I move up my hair extensions?
VOUR Hair Extensions require maintenance every 8 weeks to keep the natural hair safe, damage free and manageable.
Avoid washing hair for 48 hours following tape and skin weft hair extension application.